
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

monday and Tuesday

Yesterday me and my sister Shontel and nephew Cruiz and niece Iyla-Paige made cupcakes vanilla chocolate chip with chocolate icing and galaxy sprinkles topped with unicorn and rainbow icing lollies.
and it was really fun.
Today we went for a walk and bike ride around the forest my sister Shontel also did a prank on me, i have done some reading and some steps and helped my nephew make patterns with his toy bikes and cars.  

Friday, April 17, 2020

baking with my sister

Lastnight I made some oreo fudge with my sister faith it was really fun and I smashed up the oreos and faith melted the condensed milk and chocolate buttons and then I put the oreo into a bowl and faith put the condensed milk on the oreos  and then I mix them together and then you put the fudge in the fridge and this is what you will need 1 or 2 packs of oreos half a can of condensed milk and chocolate
buttones and this is what you will need for lolly cake 1 or 2 packs of malt biscuits and some Eskimos and half a can of condensed milk and you can add some coconut

Thursday, April 16, 2020


Today I made lolly cake, with my sister Faith. I smashed up the biscuits and I cut the eskimos up and on half of the lolly cake it  has coconut on it, and the other side nothing on the top of, I dont have coconut on my side because i dont like coconut.